
Graduated O'Reilly School of Technology

Python Programming Certificate Series

I have mixed feelings about the classes from OST. On the one hand I had been hoping for more depth and a greater challenge but on the other hand I am really impressed by the breadth of the material that they covered.

The instructor, Kirby Urner, was definitely NOT phoning it in either - I engaged him in several great discussions. I’ve already put some ideas to use in my Shotgun scripts...

New Scripts in the Shotgun Collection

I recently added scripts to my Shotgun Collection on Github:

  • A couple of test scripts to help get the cgi environment working for Action Menu Scripts
  • 2 Fully fleshed out action menu scripts to list a version as “current” and to add shots to a playlist
  • A script to add Skype buttons to the user table - allowing people to make a call directly from Shotgun

I hope someone finds this stuff useful - it sure would have save me several hours of research!

Shotgun API Snippet Collection

Today I started a collection of Shotgun API code snippets on GitHub

- not much going on there yet but I’m going to be posting the solutions that I have found to Shotgun problems there and hope to build on it as a collection of more developed examples of Shotgun customization.

If you have something to add, please drop me a line!