Mid Career Professional Looking To Jump Industries

How I Got Here:

I started my career in photography and successfully navigated service providers through the change from film to digital. I used that experience to jump into Visual Effects Data Management in Hollywood. That led me to python programming in support of process automation and my current role doing Data and Metadata Management (and a whole lot more) for a small production company. Along the way, I managed a lot of different technology base projects including website designs, metadata migrations and hardware implementations. Moving a lot of data through a process and out the other side has been something I have helped to do over and over again.

Where I Want To Go Next:

My love of computer technology has been at the heart of all my successes. I thought I wanted to be a "creative" professional but realized that my strengths are at the intersection of creativity and computer automation. I am looking to step into a role with a small to medium company where my extensive business and entrepreneurial experience can be put to use while I also get an opportunity to do some coding (or manage some coding ;-)

Who Am I?

I am a family man with a significant track record. I love my work but I love my life too and need to be able to maintain a balance between the two. I used to read programming manuals from O'Reilly the way some people read cookbooks - but never actually cook things. A few years back I learned Python and have found a way to put it to great use in every position since. I am NOT a narrowly focused specialist but instead a broad generalist who is able to solve problems between and across disciplines.

Why Should You Hire Me?

I have been a valuable team member and a valuable leader in all the projects that I have undertaken. Some successes were bigger than others but the industries I have been involved with have not been kind to any of their practitioners. Let me bring my business and entrepreneurial experience to bear for you.